At BMA Financial, we wish to come alongside and assist you in building both an eternal and earthly portfolio. Today, we'll focus on the former.
Are eternal rewards and inheritance the same? In this summary of the audio script from Episode 1812 of Desiring God, John Piper contrasts two biblical concepts: a fixed eternal inheritance and dynamic rewards in heaven. According to 1 Peter 1:4, believers receive an unchanging, imperishable inheritance simply by being born again in Christ. This inheritance is guaranteed to all who are united with God, independent of any further actions—it is a present, secured reality established by God’s grace.
Conversely, Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 6:19–20 instructs His followers to “lay up treasures in heaven,” highlighting that rewards in heaven are earned through our actions. This view is reinforced by passages like Matthew 19:21 and Luke 12:33, where generosity and sacrificial living—such as giving to the needy—result in accumulating spiritual treasures. These rewards reflect a dynamic aspect of our Christian life, indicating that while our inheritance is assured, the quality and extent of our rewards can vary depending on how we live out our faith.
Piper concludes that there are three possible resolutions to the tension between these views:
The inheritance and the rewards are completely separate realities, with the former being unconditional and the latter conditional upon our actions.
They are the same reality in that both are ultimately secured by God’s promise, even though the rewards might seem conditional.
Every believer will inherit eternal life, but within that inheritance there will be varying degrees of rewards based on one’s lifestyle and generosity.
Ultimately, the secure, fixed inheritance as God’s children provides the foundation and assurance for a life of radical generosity and love, which in turn multiplies the rewards we experience in heaven.
For us to have margin to invest in our eternal portfolio and bless others requires that we be good stewards of all of our resources. If we can help you in your stewardship journey, please let us know.
Source: desiringgod.org
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Steve Crawley, PhD
BMA Financial
Executive Director