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Ask a Legal Question

Writer: BMA Financial TeamBMA Financial Team

If you have risk management questions about your ministry, I encourage you to take advantage of Legal AssistSM. It’s a free service that offers professional risk management guidance from the team at Brotherhood Mutual Insurance Company, our preferred provider of property and liability insurance.

Every year, the Legal Assist team responds to more than 2,000 ministry-related questions about topics like child protection, facility use, employment practices, ministry security, governance, and more. In addition to addressing your questions, they can review official documents like a facility use agreement, third-party contract, or your employment handbook to provide feedback and guidance on what your documents might be missing. They can also help you get in touch with a licensed attorney in your area.

The Legal Assist website makes it simple and straightforward to ask questions of your own, and their responses can be a valuable resource as you consider your ministry’s risk management practices.

Brotherhood Mutual Ministry Partner Program

As a member of the Brotherhood Mutual® Ministry Partner Program, we benefit from their desire to keep churches open and safe for worship and to help effectively manage risk.

Brotherhood Mutual resources and services are for all our members, regardless of who currently insures your ministry.

The services offered through Legal Assist are intended to provide risk management information. It does not constitute legal advice. The information is intended to be helpful, but it should not be a substitute for the advice of a licensed attorney in your area. Your ministry is strongly encouraged to regularly consult with a local attorney as part of your risk management program.

Have other Questions?

We are ready to serve you and your church so Contact us with your questions.

BMA Financial Team


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