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Writer's pictureTaylor Shouse

Importance of Planning and Wise Counsel

I’m sure all of us can think of a period or area of our lives when we were not intentional. Distractions and busyness often lead to unintentional consequences. Yet, scripture instructs us that the plans of diligent people lead to abundance. This doesn’t mean that we should try to control everything. We must trust in God’s sovereignty; however, we must also remember that intentionality moves the needle, and I believe that to be the case when we approach stewardship.

We intuitively know this fact, yet we often live without a plan for key areas of our lives. When it comes to our finances, why do we not budget, put together a plan to eliminate debt, or create a retirement plan? Perhaps many are afraid of the planning process because it forces them to come to grips with their current reality. In my line of work, I’ve seen that having accurate information, even when that information is unfavorable, is not as scary as the unknowns of not having a plan.

Further, remember that we are not to be lone rangers on our stewardship journey. Proverbs 15:22 tells us “Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisors they succeed.”

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Taylor Shouse

Staff Writer

BMA Financial


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