Believers that study scripture are constantly reminded of the importance and benefits of good stewardship. I recently read that the Bible gives reference to managing money and possessions over two thousand times. The more I study stewardship, the more I realize that it goes far beyond actual money management and diligent use of our financial blessings.
Actually, we could argue that stewardship was expected of us before there was any sort of monetary system or trade. In Genesis chapter two we see God’s creation of man, and a few verses later man has his first responsibility: working, tending, and caring for the Lord‘s creation in the garden. Of course, we know what happened soon after, which was the precursor as to why we can easily have the stewardship difficulties we experience today. Lately I am challenging myself to remember that stewardship can be carried out and God-honoring in areas beyond finances.
Opportunities abound daily—even when we think the situation before us may be minuscule or insignificant. Genesis and the fall reminds us of what God originally had in store and also how easy it can be for us to fall short of what He may truly want us to experience. As soon as we begin to consider our own self-serving intentions over God’s (with money, family, work, or other aspects of life), we can easily make things more difficult for ourselves than He intended them to be.
Taylor Shouse MRS Staff Writer